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Biology Course Registration Information

Workday Course Registration How-To Tutorials: https://workday.students.ubc.ca/course-registration/

General Information:

  • Questions: If you have registration questions, please submit a ticket with your inquiry by clicking here. Please do not contact course instructors with registration questions.

  • Duplicate Registrations: Students may only register for one required course activity per lecture/lab/discussion or waitlist. Students will be removed from extra course activity registrations based on which section they registered for last.  For example, students may not register for multiple lectures, labs or discussions, including their respective waitlists.

  • Wait-lists:  The waitlists for the majority of the biology courses will be managed automatically by Workday, except for the restricted Biology Laboratory Courses (please see details below) will be managed manually by the Biology Program Office.  Being on a waitlist does not guarantee you a space in the lecture, discussion or lab!

  • Course Prerequisites: Students may not register for a course without the required prerequisite(s) unless they have received permission from the course instructor via email and a copy of that email has been sent to the Biology Program Office to info.biology@ubc.ca.  Instructor names are listed on Workday and their emails can be looked up on the UBC Directory.  Once the Biology Program Office has received the email, the student will either be issued a registration override token to register themselves or be directly registered into the course/waitlist if space is available.  (Note:  BIOL 200 and BIOL 201 prerequisites cannot be waived.)

Course-Specific Information:

  • BIOL 200:  Uses a staggered seat release where about 1/3 of the seats per section per day will be released during the week of 2nd-year registration. 

  • Biology Laboratory Courses: In most of the Biology Laboratory selections courses (i.e. for 2024W: BIOL 306, 326, 331, 337, 340, 341, 351, 352, 363, 402, 403, 404, and 437, etc.) 1/3 of the seats are reserved for 3rd-year Biology students and 2/3 of the seats are reserved for 4th-year biology students.  Priority will be given to 4th-year Biology students on the waitlist who need a 2nd lab course to graduate if any seats become available in the lab courses after the 3rd-year Biology students have registered.  Biology students are only permitted to complete or be registered in two biology laboratory courses or waitlists.  Non-biology students interested in taking these courses are to register themselves on the waitlist and will be considered after all biology students are successfully registered into the course from the waitlist.

  • BIOL 451, 459 & 460: The course waitlists will be manually managed, and priority will be given to graduating Neuroscience students and then graduating Biology students. 

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Biology Program
1103-6270 University Blvd,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada

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